Thursday, February 17, 2011

febuary spicerack challenge : citrus EDITED

love love love citrus !                                                j'adore les agrumes !!
hard to decide only one receipe !

here's one of my favorite,
very simple and soooooo tasty !!

pink grapefruit and shrimp salad                               salade pamplemousse/crevettes

2 pink grapefruits,  cut in "supremes"                        2 pamplemousses roses,
                                                                                                      coupés en suprêmes
20 big shrimps                                                                        20 grosses crevettes

cocktail sauce:                                                        sauce cocktail                                                 
3 T chili sauce                                                         3 c à table sauce chili
3 T mayonnaise                                                       3 c à table mayonnaise
1 t horse radish                                                       1 c à thé raifoer préparé
1 minced clove of garlic                                           1 gousse ail hachée finement
dash of ginger powder                                            1 pincée de gingembre

mix sauce ingredients together....                             mélangez les ingrédients de la sauce, versez sur
pour over grapefruit and shrimp...                           les pamplemousses et crevettes
enjoy !!                                                                                 dégustez !!
 you can serve this over a nice                                servez sur un "lit de verdures"
"bed of greens"                                                                    si désiré        

ERREUR !!!  zeste ou séché...les agrumes!!              MY MISTAKE !!!!  
                                                                                                CITRUS....not fresh !!!

biscuits à l'orange                                                 orange cookies
 1 tasse (250 ml) farine                                              1 T flour
1 tasse (250 ml) gruau                                               1 T oatmeal
1/2 c.à thé (2 ml) soda à pâte                                    1/2 t baking soda
1/4 c.à thé (1 ml) sel                                                  1/4 t salt
1/2 tasse (125 ml) beurre  fondu                                 1/2 T melted butter
1 tasse (250 ml) cassonade                                        1 T brown sugar
2 c.à soupe (30 ml) jus d'orange                                2 T orange juice
1 c.à soupe (15 ml) zeste d'orange, râpé                     1 T grated orange rind
1 oeuf                                                                                   1 egg
1/2 tasse (125 ml) noix, hachées                                 1/2 T nuts
1/3 tasse (85 ml) noix de coco                                    1/3 T coconut

mélanger ingrédients secs                                        mix dry ingredients
mélanger  ingrédients liquides                                   mix "wet" ingredients
combiner                                                                 combine

cuire 350F                                                             cook 350F                                           
15-20 min                                                              15-20 min

désolée!!                                                              I promise to be more attentive
                                                                                        for the march challenge!!


  1. Both of these recipes sound wonderful--I definitely have to try them. (Oh, and I used fresh citrus in my Spice Challenge recipe too--I suppose technically that isn't a "spice rack" item, but I think it was okay anyway.) :)

  2. I think either should have been fine for the SRC but I am looking at the shrimp one as what I might want...I think I might be craving shrimp, I think I have been for about a week now.

  3. @mia, yes they are very tasty
    and "fresh" was ok, you're right

  4. @Shayne, I'm with you...shrimp...miam!miam!
